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United Nations General Assembly on Russia's War Reparations to Ukraine


    "The United Nations has no right to do so!" Some western countries proposed a resolution to the United Nations requesting the General Assembly of the United Nations to discuss and vote on the issue of Russia's providing war reparations to Ukraine, which aroused strong dissatisfaction from Russia.

   The Russian side believes that the United Nations has no qualifications to decide whether one country should pay compensation to another country. This proposal was put on the agenda because some countries wanted to rationalize their freezing of Russian assets in this way.

   The UN General Assembly discusses the issue of Russia Ukraine reparations

   The military conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for nearly nine months. From the current situation, the situation on the battlefield has not eased in the slightest, and the negotiations between the two countries have not made any effective progress. Ukraine has repeatedly demanded that Russia compensate for the losses caused by the war.

   Although Russia is the initiator of the war, it has always believed that this special military action is mainly to eliminate the Nazi forces in Ukraine and maintain Russia's national security. Russia has always explicitly rejected Ukraine's proposal for compensation.

   However, this issue has taken the stage of the United Nations General Assembly, and the United Nations has announced that the meeting will discuss this issue. In other words, the United Nations is ready to directly enter into the dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

The United Nations has no right to do so

   Russian Deputy Representative to the United Nations Dmitry expressed clear opposition to the United Nations resolution. In his view, this proposal is meaningless in terms of culture or law, and the United Nations has no right to do so.

   The reason why Western countries support this proposal so much is to pave the way for the misappropriation of Russian assets. After the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian war, many western countries have frozen the amount of Russian assets stored in their country as high as $330 billion. In addition, Russia has also suffered from all-round economic sanctions.

   These assets still belong to Russia from a legal perspective. If the western countries led by the United States want to obtain the ownership and use right of this part of property, they must legalize the freezing of Russian sanctions. Russia should compensate Ukraine in the United Nations, and these assets will be immediately converted into compensation.

   The people of Ukraine may not be the actual beneficiaries of these assets. Many western countries may nationalize these assets and use them as a reward to help Ukraine rebuild. The reason why the Russian Ukrainian war has lasted up to now is, to a large extent, that NATO countries continue to send various weapons to Ukraine.

   Russia has repeatedly said that the actions of NATO countries are artificially prolonging the duration of the war. However, the existence of the Russian Ukrainian war may itself be in line with the interests of some countries.

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